October 16, 2012

Revamped the book and cover!

Since I submitted my book to Harper Voyager I have published the revised version on Amazon. While I was there I made the changes to the book that I wanted originally but was told my artwork wouldn't work. Then I read online that you should submit it anyway and get the proof to see if it does work. Apparently my words do not fall outside of the trim line. I am awaiting approval. The new cover is so sharp. I can't wait to get my own copy! The new book also includes five chapters from Pirates Cove. I will let you know when it goes live!

Chris and Sharon I put your comments on the back of the book and will get you a signed copy as soon as it comes out!


  1. Working on the kindle version right now. It should be up in a few days.

  2. Lisa, I am thrilled at the chance you have to submit your book to Harper Voyager. Hope everything goes well. I can't wait to get a copy of your revised addition. Looking forward to reading this wonderful book again!!

  3. Sweet! I hope it works out because I LOVE the cover! :D Good luck!

  4. Lisel I do too. I will fight to get it right no matter how long it takes. This is really important to me. Taught me a lot about what I need from my next book cover. Artist can be so frustrating sometimes. They should have known this when they created my cover and ran everything off the trim.
    And Thanks Sharon. I want to give you the best possible book.
